Weekly Vitamins in One Patch


Game Changing Vitamins in Patch Form 

New way to get vitamins through microneedle patches

Never Feel Drained and Foggy 

No Pills - 1 Weekly Patch

Say Goodbye to Digestive Issues

Boost Your Immunity


90-day money back guarantee

Game-Changing Technology

Our Performance Vitamin Patches utilize breakthrough microneedle technology to deliver vitamins and minerals directly through the skin, bypassing the digestive system for enhanced absorption and effectiveness.

Inside The Vitamin Patch

Performance Boosting Formula

Vitamin B1, B3, B6, B12 - for brain & energy 

Vitamin A & D - for immunity

Ginseng & Ginkgo biloba - for focus

NAD - for healthy aging

How to use

Read more about technology

Decades ago, the introduction of nicotine and contraceptive transdermal patches offered a convenient method for delivering substances like nicotine and hormones directly into the bloodstream. Initially, there was hope that a similar approach could be used for delivering vitamins, but a significant obstacle emerged.

Vitamin molecules are too large to pass through the skin barrier without help.

To overcome this challenge, a new technology had to be developed to enable the transdermal delivery of vitamins. 
FINALLY, in recent years, such technology emerged in the form of microneedles, which enhance skin permeability. This breakthrough has opened up the possibility of using transdermal routes for delivering essential vitamins.

Microneedle advantages:

  • Ongoing research: Many clinical trials have already been conducted, demonstrating the effectiveness of microneedle usage in transdermal medication and vaccine delivery.
  • Enhanced Delivery: Microneedles offer a more efficient delivery system compared to transdermal patches, particularly for larger molecules or those requiring a faster release.
  • Precise targeting: Microneedle design can be tailored to target specific skin depths, potentially increasing the efficacy of the delivered substance.
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Why Vitamin Patch Instead of Another Pill?

  • Tastes bad

  • Easy to forget

  • Harms stomach

  • Hard to swallow

  • Bulky bottles

  • Complicates travel

The Worst Thing It's Like Another Job

Every morning light breakfast, a few pills and a glass of water

Again and again and again...

That's Why We Came Up With a Solution

Inovative technology used in drug delivery became an answer to our problem

Order Your Patches Now

Game Changing Vitamins in Patch Form 

New way to get vitamins through microneedle patches

  • Never Feel Drained and Foggy 

  • No Pills - 1 Weekly Patch

  • Say Goodbye to Digestive Issues

  • Boost Your Immunity



Game-Changing Technology

Targeted Nutrient Delivery

Our patches use advanced technology to deliver nutrients precisely, ensuring quick absorption and maximum effectiveness, similar to how antibiotics are targeted in medicine.

Scientifically Proven

Leveraging microneedle technology from medical fields for precise delivery, enhancing your physical and mental performance.

Sustained Release Technology

Our patches offer steady, ongoing support by delivering nutrients continuously, similar to the gradual release of vitamins for optimal performance.


Crystalized hyaluronic acid enhancers  makes your skin produce more collagen, a protein that keeps your skin firm and smooth.

Get Your Slap Patch

Inside The Patch

Slap patch is a simple, convenient way to get your vitamins and all of it's benefits in only one application throughout the week. 

Performance Boosters:

Vitamin A

Vitamin B1, B3, B6, B12

Vitamin D


Ginkgo biloba


What Our Customers Are Saying

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All-in-one weekly patch
No more stacking supplements, save money & time be more productive and spend less time on thinking about the supplements you need to drink.

High-end technology
With the expertise of South Korean microneedle technology, you can trust in the rapid absorption and maximum bioavailability of our patches.

Save your digestive system
No need for drinking horse sized pills. Say goodbye to upset stomachs, unpleasant tastes, or gut issues often associated with oral supplements. Our patches are gentle on the stomach and eliminate the risk of digestive discomfort.


Get It All Now

Convenience on-the-go
Whether you're at home, at work, or on vacation, our patches offer unparalleled convenience. Stick it and forget about it.

Easy integration to your lifestyle
Our patches seamlessly fit into your daily routine, providing a hassle-free solution to meet your nutritional needs anytime, anywhere.

Consistent Delivery
Forget about worrying whether you've taken your daily dose of vitamins. Enjoy a steady supply of essential vitamins and minerals throughout the week, thanks to our patches' controlled release technology.

How to Apply Your Patch

Peel the stick side

Put it on the arm

Stick over-patch

Feel amazing 

Slap Patch vs All Pills

Once a week

Increases gradualy

Zero crashes

No harm to stomach

Goes to bloodstream

Every day

Daily dosing

Bouncing effect

Bad for stomach

Needs digestion

Steady energy levels


Next Level Performance

Targeted Nutrient Delivery

Our patches deliver nutrients efficiently with advanced technology for rapid absorption and optimal effectiveness, similar to targeted antibiotic delivery.

Sustained Release Technology

Our patches are designed for sustained release, offering continuous performance support through a steady nutrient flow, similar to time-controlled medication delivery for optimal outcomes.

Scientifically Proven

Microneedle technology forms the foundation of our patches, which are further developed through our research to deliver precision performance


Slap patches, with crystallized hyaluronic acid enhancers, boost collagen production for firmer, smoother skin.


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Frequently Asked Questions


Is the Slap Patch right for my health needs?

Slap Patch contains ingredients that many busy people lack in their bodies. Always talk to your doctor before using it, though. Since most ingredients aren't naturally produced by your body, any excess gets removed, so there's a low risk of getting too much of most vitamins. Vitamin A and D are stored by the body, but deficiencies are common. While it's difficult to overdose on them with the patch, it's still a good idea to check with your doctor about any other medications or supplements you're taking.

How soon will I notice the benefits of using the patch?

The patch starts working right away and lasts for 5 days, with most ingredients being new to your body so you'll feel the effects quickly. Regular releases keep your energy levels steady throughout the week, and for long-term benefits like those linked to longevity, consistent use for at least 3 months is recommended. Since these ingredients are not naturally produced in your body, the patch offers a clean way to consume them, leading to long-lasting results.

What specific health improvements can Slap Patch offer?

Brain & Energy Powerhouse:

Vitamin B Complex (B1, B3, B6, B12): These B vitamins work together to convert food into energy, supporting mental clarity, focus, and reducing fatigue. They're crucial for a healthy nervous system.


Immunity Defenders:

Vitamin A: Supports healthy immune system function and helps maintain healthy vision.

Vitamin D: Plays a vital role in immune response and bone health.


Focus Sharpeners:

Ginseng: An herb traditionally used to enhance mental clarity, reduce fatigue, and improve cognitive function.

Ginkgo Biloba: May help improve memory, focus, and blood circulation.


Healthy Aging Ally: 

NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide): An essential molecule involved in cellular energy production and repair. Early research suggests it may play a role in healthy aging, but more studies are needed.

What's the experience of wearing a Slap Patch?

Customers describe wearing our vitamin patches as a convenient and effortless part of their daily routine. The lightweight and discreet design allows for easy application on any part of the body, providing a comfortable experience throughout the day. Many appreciate the absence of pills or liquids, avoiding any digestive discomfort. The adhesive ensures a secure fit, allowing users to go about their activities with confidence. Whether worn under clothing during work hours or discreetly at night, our patches offer a hassle-free way to nourish the body. Users often report feeling a subtle warmth or tingling sensation upon application, signaling the start of a nutrient-rich journey. With no residue or sticky feeling, our patches seamlessly integrate into busy lifestyles, delivering vital vitamins without interruption.

How does Slap Patch stand out from other supplements?

Efficient Delivery Mechanism:

  • Unlike traditional oral supplements that must pass through the digestive system, our patches deliver vitamins directly through the skin, bypassing the digestive process altogether. This ensures efficient absorption and eliminates the risk of degradation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Convenience and Ease of Use:

  • Crystalized hyaluronic acid patches are easy to apply and require no swallowing or measuring of doses. Simply adhere the patch to clean, dry skin, and enjoy hands-free nutrient delivery throughout the day. This convenience makes them ideal for individuals with busy lifestyles or those who struggle with pill fatigue.

Steady and Controlled Release:

  • These patches provide a controlled release of vitamins over an extended period, ensuring a steady supply of nutrients to the body. This feature contrasts with the peaks and troughs in blood nutrient levels often associated with traditional oral supplements, promoting more stable health benefits.

Gentle on the Digestive System:

  • For individuals with sensitive stomachs or gastrointestinal issues, our patches offer a gentle alternative to oral supplements. By delivering nutrients transdermally, they bypass the digestive tract, reducing the likelihood of digestive discomfort or irritation.

Enhanced Bioavailability:

  • Hyaluronic acid crystals delivery mechanism enhances the bioavailability of vitamins by facilitating their absorption directly into the bloodstream through the skin. This maximizes the efficacy of the nutrients and ensures they reach their target tissues more effectively than orally ingested supplements.

Targeted Skin Benefits:

  • In addition to delivering essential vitamins, our patches can promote skin health and rejuvenation. The tiny darts create microchannels in the skin, stimulating collagen production and enhancing the absorption of skincare ingredients, resulting in a radiant complexion.

Can the Slap Patch replace other forms of vitamins?

We believe that it should. Slap Patch is a more advanced method because it delivers a clean dose of essential nutrients directly to your body. This eliminates the need to ingest excess supplements your body doesn't require, as unnecessary amounts simply get processed and eliminated. Consistency with supplement intake is key to unlocking their full potential, and Slap Patch addresses this challenge by offering a convenient solution. With Slap Patch, there's no need for a slow, pill-based routine that's easy to forget. It's a game-changer for busy individuals who struggle to maintain consistent supplement intake.

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